New web design trends for marketers

 Trends in web design are a challenge to identify as they are ever-evolving. The dynamic technology and audience behavior on the web compels the best practices in design to change as well. As we continue to take our customers to a unique experience for every brand that we work with, we thought about the importance of design in product development and in marketing. Here are some trends in web design that every marketer should take note of. Minimalist design and longform sites will still be popular. Since users are more educated on interfaces and screens have become sharper, designers have now more freedom in their design enabling them to simplify and experiment. This results in a flat or minimalist design, where they omit everything unnecessary and focus on elements that will amplify the message and content. Integral to minimum design are simple vector assets, which scale and shrink nicely, compared to clunky bitmap images or heavy gradients, shadows and other complex styling. Along with the growth of mobile web usage is the increase in popularity of longform sites because of how easy it is to navigate using a thumb rather than a mouse. It’s the message that matters. The priority should always be to highlight the message in the best way possible, making the design compliment it rather than be a competition to attention. With the minimalist design approach, it is the message that is in clear focus, not the animation or imagery. There will be more of simplified designs and emphasis of content in the future that it elevates dialogue and makes design out of the way. Marketers must measure. If your business is product-dependent, make sure you have great metrics in place when introducing a new design or message. 

People are naturally cautious when it comes to change and rolling a change out overnight can produce grave repercussions, but more importantly, it opens a dialogue for discussion. If you have a way to monitor how people are interacting with your website and track that those measurements have improved over time, you can justify the new design and make your team understand and appreciate the changes. Mobile has made a permanent change in the design.

 It’s partially because of the mobile that there is such surge in popularity of longform website design. Mobile web users found traditional web navigation not friendly to them on their devices. Scrolling rather than jumping tabs to navigate through a website feels more natural to the mobile web user. Vertical navigation allows the viewer to see everything by using their thumb and makes life easier. As audiences become more proficient in the use of modern technology, designers will have more leeway to experiment with their work. Having a thorough understanding of the different design trends and elements will enable marketers work together with their design teams to create strong, memorable, design and messaging.


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